Admission in Diploma Courses :

The candidates who pass X Standard or equivalent examinations with Mathematics and Science subjects are eligible for admission into Polytechnic Colleges

There is no age restriction to join the Diploma Courses with effect from the academic year 2004 - 2005.

Special Reservation is being given to the following category for admission in Government / Government - Aided Polytechnic Colleges :
(i) Son and Daughter of Ex-Servicemen
(ii) Physically Handicapped People
(iii) Son and Daughter of Burma / Ceylon repatriates
(iv) Candidates sponsored by other States
(v) Son, Daughter, Grandson and Granddaughter of Freedom Fighters
(vi) Sports Quota - Participants of State Level and National Level Competitions only

Usually Notification for general admission into Government Institutions is being given by the Directorate in leading dailies at the time of publication of X Standard (Tamil Nadu) results and the last date for receipt of such applications will be fixed somewhere in the 2nd or 3rd week of June. The candidates belonging to Tamilnadu only can apply for the general admission The candidates have to obtain and submit separate applications for separate institutions. The application form received from one institution cannot be used to apply for another institution. The filled - up application forms have to be submitted to the concerned institution on or before the prescribed due date. Applications received after the due dates will be summarily rejected.

2.3 Lateral Entry Admissions :

For Lateral Entry into the Second year (III Semester) of the three year diploma courses, the candidates shall be required to have passed the Higher Secondary Examination (Academic or Vocational) of 10 plus 2 pattern, with the following conditions :

(i) Academic Stream candidates should have compulsorily studied Maths, Physics & Chemistry at 10 + 2 level
(ii) Vocational Stream candidates should have studied either Maths or Physics or Chemistry as one of the subjects of study along with the related Vocational Subject (Theory & Practical) at 10 + 2 level

Their intake is restricted to 20% (10% for Academic + 10% for Vocational) of the sanctioned intake of the I Year Diploma Courses. The candidates belonging to Tamilnadu State only are eligible to apply for the lateral entry admissions in Government & Government - Aided Institutions. There is no age limit for the admission.

Usually Notification is being given for general admission into Government Institutions in leading dailies at the time of publication of +2 results of Tamil Nadu and the last date for receipt of such applications will be fixed somewhere in the last week of May / first week of June. Applications received by the institutions after the prescribed due dates will not be accepted on any ground

2.6 Readmission of Candidates :
A student who had discontinued his / her studies in the middle of a semester or who had not appeared for Board Examination of current semester of study, can apply and get readmission in the same semester in the following or subsequent academic years if he / she desires to complete the Course and satisfies the following conditions :

(i) The candidate should not have exhausted the total period of study permitted (SIX years for full time, SIX AND A HALF years for Sandwich and SEVEN years for part time - [J SCHEME] candidates from the year of admission in first year) to complete the course (Refer 2.7).

(ii) He / She, on readmission, should be able to complete his / her full course of study within the above stipulated total period. A candidate who had discontinued his / her studies continuously or in spells for more than 3 years shall not be recommended for readmission.

(iii) A candidate who had received his / her transfer certificate (T.C.) on his / her own from one institution without getting proper transfer orders from the office of Chairman, Board of Examination, can not apply for readmission to any other institution. He / She has to be readmitted only in the old institution and application for transfer to any other institution has to be submitted through the parent institution only.

(iv) A candidate who had been expelled from one institution, for any reason, shall not be admitted into any other institution. Readmission proposals shall not be sent for such candidates, by the new institution.

(v) A candidate who had been debarred from writing Board’s Examinations for his / her involvement in any malpractice, shall not be allowed to continue his / her studies or readmitted in any other institution until the period of punishment is over. And till then, the institution shall not issue Transfer Certificate or Course completion Certificate to such candidates.

(vii) A candidate, whose petition is pending in any court with respect to his / her admission /exam results / punishments etc. and who had discontinued the studies shall not be readmitted in the institution without getting the prior permission of the Chairman, Board of Studies and Examinations.

(viii) Readmissions are not permissible in First year for regular students and in third semester for lateral entry students, who have not written any Board Examination, before their discontinuance of study. They have to forego their candidature and seek admission again afresh.

A last date, usually 15 days after the day of re-opening of Institutions for the semester, is being fixed and announced for the readmission of students. The Principals can themselves readmit the candidates who apply for their readmission on or before the prescribed due date in the semester / year in which they had discontinued, if they satisfy all the conditions specified above and send the proposal to the office of the Chairman, Board of Examinations in the standard format with necessary documents for approval and ratification. The Principals may permit such readmitted students to attend the classes, without waiting for the receipt of approval orders from the Chairman’s office, after obtaining an undertaking from the candidates to the effect that they will abide to the decisionof the Chairman, Board of Examinations.[Annexure - III : Readmission Format]

The percentage of attendance for the readmitted candidates shall be calculated from the Actual date of their readmission, but on no account based on any date later than the prescribed last date for readmission. Even if a student starts attending the classes on a later date, after submitting his/ her request letter before the due date,his / her percentage of attendance shall be calculated based on the total number of working days from the prescribed last date for readmission.

The proposal for readmission has to be submitted by the Principal of the institution, in the standard format only. The request letter given by the student shall not be simply forwarded to the Chairman without furnishing the particulars in the format. The applications with the proposal should reach the Chairman’s office within 7 days from the last date prescribed for readmission. A student seeking readmission into a particular semester should enclose the xerox copy of his / her marksheet of the just previous semester he / she had completed before discontinuing his / her studies and that copy has to be sent along with the readmission proposal. Arrear Mark Sheets or marksheets with ALL ABSENT shall not be sent as evidence for their appearance in Board’s Examination.

2.7 Time Limit to complete the Diploma Course :
The Board of Studies and Examinations has prescribed the following time limit to complete the Diploma course of 3 years duration and pass all the subjects pertaining to the course:

However, considering the plight of weak students, the Board may decide and give a maximum of two additional chances to the students, on exhausting the prescribed time limit and after stopping them for one or two examinations, to complete the arrear papers. But, NO candidate can claim the additional chances as a matter of right. The candidates, who do not pass in all their arrear papers even in the Additional chances, so given, will not be permitted to appear for the examinations, afterwards.

2.8 Procedure for completing the Diploma Course :
(i) The candidate on completion of studies in each year / semester should necessarily register himself / herself for the examinations of all the subjects of the current year / semester as well as for all the arrear subjects of all the previous years / semesters and shall appear for the Board’s Examinations.
(ii) A student having shortage of attendance in a semester should repeat the same semester in the next academic year. Similarly, a student who had not attended at least a single paper (theory or practical) of a particular semester examination, cannot continue his / her studies in the next semester, even if he / she had enough attendance in that semester with usual conditions.
(iii) Candidates will not be permitted to discontinue the course of study for a duration of more than three years during any part of their course of study. For candidates for whom continuous break in study is less than or equal to three years, permission of the Chairman,Board of Examinations is necessary to continue the course and write the examinations (Refer 2.6) .

2.9 Eligibility to continue in the next higher semester / year :
Runthrough system had been introduced for the Diploma / Post Diploma Courses from the year 1990 in which the students are being permitted to continue their studies in the next higher semester / year even if they do not pass in the lower semester / year examinations. But,

(i) a student with enough attendance in a particular semester / year and who had registered himself / herself for the Board’s Examination by paying the fee on time and received the hall ticket from the Chairman’s office, has to necessarily appear for the Board’s Examination in atleast one paper (Either Theory or Practical) of the concerned regular semester / year (not in supplementary paper of previous semester / year) in which he / she is studying to become eligible to continue his / her studies in the next semester / year, in the Institution.

(ii) A regular candidate who had received the Hall Ticket from the Chairman’s Office, but not appeared for the Board’s Examination atleast in a single paper (Theory or Practical) of the current semester / year of study, shall not be permitted either to continue his / her studies in the next semester / year or to appear for the papers as arrears in the subsequent Examinations. He / She will be considered as a discontinued candidate. Such candidates have to be re-admitted in the same semester/ year in the next academic year and satisfy all the prescribed requirements with respect to attendance, payment of fees etc. to become eligible to write the Board’s Examinations. In any case, a candidate will not be permitted to appear afresh for the examinations of two semesters / years in the same sitting.

2.10 Working Days / Hours :

Duration of the Programmes for each semester :

Sl. No. Programme Duration
1. Theory & Practical Classes including Intervening holidays 14 Weeks
2. Practical Examinations & Study Leave 02 Weeks
3. Theory Examinations and Supplementary Examinations 02 Weeks

Working Days : 5 Days / Week
Working Hours : 35 Hours / Week

(i) Theory & Drawing As stipulated in the syllabus
(ii) Practical framed from time to time by the CDC

Physical Education : 2 Hours / Week after the normal working hours

N.S.S. Activities for I & II Years : 2 Hours / Week after the normal working hours (Only as per N.S.S. Guidelines)

2.11 Subject Pattern :


(a) Duration of the Course : 3 years
(b) Medium of Instruction : English
(c) Subject Pattern :

(1) Number of Theory subjects per Semester : 3
(2) Number of Practical subjects including drawing and Project Work per Semester : 3

Total Number of subjects per semester : 6

There may be two Elective subjects one each in V & VI Semesters.

2.14 Adherence to Due dates : A tentative programme is being sent to all institutions in the beginning of each academic year which specifies due dates / last dates for various activities.Unless any of the mentioned date / dates are changed through any special instructions from the Chairman, Board of Examinations, those dates are to be strictly adhered by the Principals / Students. The tentative programmes has to be informed to the staff and students as and when they are issued by the Chairman’s office. The same has to be incorporated in the hand books / calendars of the institutions.

Board Examinations for this Diploma Courses in Textile Technology,is being conducted in the following Pattern :

Year / Semester Span of Study Examination
I Year June – April April
III, V & VII Sem. June - October October
IV, VI & VIII Sem. December - April April

3.1 Conduct of Board Examinations - General :

Every year more than one lakh students appear for diploma examinations twice. The schedule of examination is being displayed in the department’s website well in advance and exhibited in the Notice Boards of the concerned institutions. The candidates are well informed of the details regarding payment of examination fees, last dates, examination time - table etc. for all semesters through the Principals of Institutions and also through the official website . Examination applications with the prescribed fee have to be submitted to the Principal of the institution in which the student is studying / had studied. Board Examinations in Diploma and Post-Diploma Courses as well as Certificate Courses are being conducted in the institution centres where the students study the course. The old students also have to appear for their supplementary exams in the same centre only; change of centers other than their colleges are not permitted. External staff are being appointed as Hall Superintendents for the effective supervision of the examinations. Number of Flying Squads are being constituted by the Chairman, Board of Examinations and they inspect all the centres and make sure that examinations are conducted without any lapse, in a free and fair manner giving no room for any malpractice.Students booked for involvement in malpractices in the examination centres are being given fair chances to defend themselves during the enquiry conducted at the institution itself and punishment are being awarded by the Disciplinary Action Committee according to the nature of malpractice. Even though, the medium of instruction of diploma and post diploma courses is English, the candidates are being permitted to answer in Tamil also. To facilitate rural candidates who studied X standard in Tamil Medium, the I Year question papers are being printed both in English and Tamil. The Answer papers are being valued in about 30 Common Valuation Centres after assigning dummy numbers and the results published within 30 to 40 days after the examinations are over.The results of the examinations with state-wide rank lists are being published in the department’s website and the institute-wise consolidated mark sheets are being sent to the concerned institutions by post. The individual mark sheets, provisional / diploma certificates will be printed and sent to the institutions within 60 days from the date of publication of results. The Diploma Certificates for the students who pass out from Autonomous Institutions are also being issued by the State Board of Technical Education. All mark sheets and certificates will be sent to the candidates through their institutions only; they will not be issued directly to the candidate from the Chairman’s office. The Principals shall not direct any of their students to the Chairman’s office for getting their certificates directly. The Institutions should maintain records for the issue of mark sheets and certificates to their students, with date of issue, serial number of certificates,signature of students etc.

3.2 Requirements to appear for Examinations : The Examinations will be conducted at the end of the year for the first year subjects and at the end of each semester for semester subjects by the Board of Examinations. A candidate will be permitted to appear for the Board’s Examinations, only if :

(i) he / she secures 80% attendance in the year / semester concerned
(ii) he / she earns a progress certificate from the head of the institution for satisfactorily completing the course of study as required by the regulations, and
(iii) his / her conduct was satisfactory during the course of study.

3.3 Condonation of Attendance :

The minimum overall percentage of attendance (in all subjects of the current semester / year put together) required for a candidate to become eligible to write the Board’s Examination is 80% .

Under extraordinary circumstances, if there exist genuine and valid reasons,the Principal of the college has been empowered by the Chairman, to condone upto a maximum of 5% shortage to a candidate, subject to the condition that he/she satisfies all the other requirements to appear for the Board’s Examination.Under no circumstances a candidate with attendance less than 75% be permitted to write the Board’s Examination. The condonement of 5% shortage shall not be done as a routine to all candidates, but only for genuine cases; It shall not be claimed as a matter of right by all candidates.

3.4 Reasons for disqualifying a student from appearing Board’s Examination :

(1) A student who had failed to acquire the minimum required percentage of attendance during a semester / year of study or discontinued his /her studies in the middle of a semester / year and who had not paid the examination fee in time shall not be permitted to appear for the Board’s Examination. A regular student who had failed to register himself / herself for the forthcoming Board Examination by paying the examination fee in his institution within the prescribed time limit shall not be permitted to continue his / her studies in the semester / year after the due date is over.

(2) A student who had paid the examination fee in time, but do not have enough attendance in the course of study, shall not be permitted to appear for the Board Examination even if he / she receives the hall ticket from the Chairman’s Office. Such candidates, however, will be permitted to write the supplementary examinations of previous semesters / years, if any, using the same hall ticket. While issuing the hall ticket to such candidates, the Principal of the institution has to score out the column pertaining to the current semester / year (all papers) and mention in the hall ticket as “Supplementary papers only”.

(3) A student who had been debarred from appearing for the Board’s Examination for his / her involvement in any malpractice in the previous examination shall not be permitted to attend the class or pay the fee or appear for the examinations till the punishment period is over.

(4) A student who had exhausted the maximum permitted time limit of 6 years from the date of joining the course shall not be permitted to pay the fee or appear for the examinations, unless otherwise notified.

(5) A regular student, who had been expelled from the institution on disciplinary measures shall not be permitted to register / appear for the Board’s Examinations.

(6) A student could not claim eligibility to appear for the examination on the ground that he / she had received the hall ticket from the Chairman’s office, since hall tickets are being printed and sent to the institutions for all the candidates who had paid the examination fee, normally one month prior to the commencement of the examinations. The Principals will issue the hall tickets only for those who satisfies all the conditions specified in 3.2.

3.5 Payment of Examination Fees :

A candidate appearing for the Board’s Examination should remit the prescribed fee for all the papers in which he / she had not yet passed. Even though edit lists of arrear papers are being sent by the Chairman’s office with respect to each regular student of the institution, it is the duty of the institution to verify, in each case, the papers he / she had already passed before accepting the application and fee from the candidate. The mark sheets / certificates received by a candidate without appearing for all the arrear subjects will be cancelled on a later date when the mistake is detected. Further, action will be initiated against such institutions which receives the fee from the candidates leaving one or two failed subjects and submits the list to the Chairman’s office without proper verification. The examination fee with the application has to be collected by the institution from the students without penalty fee / with a penalty fee of Rs.150/ - as the case may be, only upto the last dates prescribed by the Chairman’s office. The candidates have to obtain, the receipt from the institution with the date of payment mentioned, for the examination fee paid, without fail and keep them safe with them for verification when necessity arises.For such of those candidates who have missed the opportunity to pay the examination fee in their institutions on or before the due dates prescribed, a special provision has been introduced from October 2004 Board Examinations by which the candidate could submit a fully filled up application form duly countersigned by the Principal of the institution along with a Demand Draft for the usual examination fee plus a penalty of Rs.500/- drawn in favour of “TheAdditional Director of Technical Education (Examinations), Chennai - 600 025” at the Chairman’s office in Chennai in person on or before the due date prescribed for the same (usually 10 days before the commencement of Practical Examinations). The hall tickets and the Nominal Roll of the above candidates will be sent separately to the respective institutions. These candidates should necessarily enclose the photostat copies of all the previous appearance marksheets duly attested by the Principal along with their application forms.The applications submitted by the candidate without the counter signature of the Principal concerned or sent by post will not be accepted, on any grounds.

3.6 Issue of Hall Tickets / Duplicate Hall Tickets :

Hall Tickets are being sent to all those who had registered themselves for the examination by paying the prescribed examination fee within the prescribed time limit. Before issuing the hall tickets to the candidates, the Principal of the institution should verify the eligibility of the candidates to appear for the examination. The hall tickets shall not be issued to candidates who do not havethe minimum required attendance in the current semester. The Principal / Chief Superintendent should attest the signature of the candidate on the hall ticket and check the photo embossed on it while issuing the same to him / her. If there is no photo in the space provided, a pass port size photo of the candidate has to be affixed and attested by the Principal.

No candidate will be permitted to write the examination without a valid hall ticket.

If a candidate had lost the hall ticket issued to him, on request, he / she may be issued with a duplicate hall ticket by the Chief Superintendent on payment of a fee of Rs.25/-. A passport size photo of the candidate has to be affixed on the hall ticket & the photo and signature of candidate have to be attested by the External Additional Chief Superintendent of the Centre, before it is being issued.

If the candidate has forgotten to bring the hall ticket to the Hall on the examination day, or if the candidate who lost the hall ticket do not have any passport size photo with him / her, a temporary hall ticket without photo may be issued to the candidate for the day’s examination only, after receiving an undertaking from the candidate that either the original hall ticket or a photo attested duplicate hall ticket will be produced to the Additional Chief Superintendent on the following day for verification of the genuineness of the candidate. A fee of Rs.35/- will be collected for the temporary hall ticket also.

The candidate should be personally identified by the Principal of the institution at the examination hall, when temporary duplicate hall ticket without photo is being used by him / her, and this fact should be noted in the temporary hall ticket itself, as “identified”.

The duplicate hall tickets issued to the candidates, with the photo and signature of candidate attested by the Additional Chief Superintendent, and the temporary duplicate hall tickets with identification certificate by Principal shall be collected back from them after the day’s examination and sent to the Chairman’s office for verification, on the last day of the examination with a consolidated statement along with the DD for the total amount thus collected.

3.8 Passing Requirements :
No candidate shall be eligible for the award of Diploma unless he / she has undergone the prescribed course of study successfully in an institution approved by AICTE and affiliated to the State Board of Technical Education and Training,Tamil Nadu.

A candidate shall be declared to have passed the examination in a subject if he / she secures not less than 40% in theory subjects and 50% in practicals in the Board’s Examinations.

3.9 Classification of successful candidates:
Classification of candidates who pass out final examination from April 2003 onwards (joined in first year in 2000 - 2001) is being done as specified below :


A candidate will be declared to have passed in First Class with Honours if he / she secures not less than 75% of the aggregate marks in all semesters put together, except first year and passes all the above semesters in the first appearance itself and completes all papers including that of first year within the stipulated period of study 3 / 31/2 / 4 years, without any break.


A candidate will be declared to have passed in First Class if he / she secures not less than 60% of the aggregate marks in all semesters put together, except first year and completes all papers including that of first year within the stipulated period of study 3 / 31/2 / 4 years, without any break.


All other successful candidates will be declared to have passed in Second Class.

The above mentioned classification is applicable for the Part – Time students who pass out final examination from October 2004 onwards (joined in first year in 2000 - 2001).

Table showing the minimum marks required for award of I Class with

Honours / I Class :

Regular Courses :
Total marks in 4 semesters : 2400
For I Class with Honours – marks required : 1800 & above
For I Class – marks required : 1440 & above

Sandwich Courses :
Total marks in 5 (4+1) semesters : 2400 + 200
For I Class with Honours – marks required : 1950 & above
For I Class – marks required : 1560 & above

Part - Time Courses :
Total marks in 6 semesters : 2600
For I Class with Honours – marks required : 1950 & above
For I Class – marks required : 1560 & above

3.10 Issue of Mark sheets / Diploma Certificates – regarding With-held results :

The final semester mark sheets of candidates who pass in the final semester examination, but do have arrears in the lower semester examinations, will be with-held by the Board till they clear all the arrears. Such with-held marksheets will be automatically released by the Board and sent to the institution along with the Provisional / Diploma certificates, when the candidates do pass their arrear papers. The candidate or the institution need not apply to the Office of the Chairman for releasing such with-held marksheets, as having done in the previous years. But, before issuing the Provisional / Diploma certificate to the concerned candidate, the Principal of the institution should personally verify his / her mark sheets of all semesters to confirm that the candidate had passed in all subjects of all year / semesters. If it is found that the candidate is still having arrears in one or two lower semester papers, his / her final semester mark sheet, provisional certificate and diploma certificate should be returned to the Chairman’s Office ;such certificate shall not be issued to the candidate on any account. However,final semester mark sheets of failed candidates will be issued as in the case of other semester mark lists. If any failed candidate do not receive his / her mark list, that should be intimated to the Chairman’s Office immediately ; he / she shall not simply assume that his / her mark sheet had been with-held.